Wednesday, January 16, 2019


So who is the audience for INFRA?  I’ve identified four groups of people, each with its own perspective on the overall infrastructure:

System Administrators

These are the people who manage your physical and virtual servers.  They want to see what hardware they have, what operating systems (OS) are on them, what virtual machines (VM) and the services on each server.  A service can be a database, an application server, a web server, an LDAP directory, or maybe a microservice – anything needed to operate your applications.

Database Administrators (DBA)

Databases are essential parts of any application system – I have never seen an application that didn’t have a database behind it.  Early in my career, a database may have simply been a set of files.  Later, we were using Relational Database Management Systems (RDBMS) like Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, PostgreSQL or My SQL – and in fact, that is what I’m designing INFRA to use.  Today, you may see other forms of databases, like Hadoop or Cassandra. The DBAs are responsible for managing these important resources.  And of course, this is my particular area of expertise.

Deployment Managers

Eventually, your application needs to be deployed to the various services that operate it.  This is more complex than it used to be.  Early in my career, you compiled the application and just ran the compiled code.  But now you may have different pieces – REST services to provide access to databases, data to enter into LDAP directories, HTML, CSS, Javascript and image files to write to directories accessed by a web server, or JAR, EAR, or WAR files to install on an application server. You may not have a job specifically designated as “Deployment Manager”, but believe me, you have people doing this job.

Application Managers

These are the people responsible for the overall development effort for your applications.  They determine who will do the development work, and what will be developed.  In particular, these people decide which changes will go into each release of an application, and which release will be deployed in which environment.

About the Database Design

Considering that my specialty has been as a database architect, administrator and developer, it is only natural that I would begin the application design with a database design.  I consider the Logical Design to be an important part of the requirements definition of an application.  With this, I find out what “things” - formally called “entities” we are going to collect information about, what information is going to be collected, and how the entities are related to one another.  And once this is engineered to a Physical Design and a development database is created, many tools can use the database design to give you a head start toward developing the rest of the application.  For instance, you can often use a relational table to generate a first cut at the forms that the application will use to enter or update data in the table, or the first cut at pages that show this data.

And since I have been a DBA, it is only natural for me to start by designing the part of the database that will contain the information that I would most want to see in my view of INFRA.  That is the subject of my next post.

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